During the 1991-1992 Operation Desert Storm conflict between Coalition forces and Iraq, the Coalition used a military base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia that was protected by six U.S. Patriot Missile batteries. The Patriot system was originally designed to be mobile and to operate for only a few hours in order to avoid detection.
The Patriot system tracks and intercepts certain types of objects, such as cruise missiles or Scud ballistic missiles, one of which hit a U.S. Army barracks at Dhahran on February 5, 1991, killing 28 Americans. The Patriot system failed to track and intercept the incoming Scud due to a loss of precision in converting integers to a floating point number representation.
A radar system operates by sending out a train of electromagnetic pulses in various directions and then listening for return signals that are reflected from objects in the path of the radar beam. If an airborne object of interest such as a Scud is detected by the Patriot radar system, then the position of a range gate is deter- mined (see Figure 2-12), which estimates the position of the object being tracked
during the next scan. The range gate also allows information outside of its boundaries to be filtered out, which simplifies tracking. The position of the object (a Scud for this case) is confirmed if it is found within the range gate.
The prediction of where the Scud will next appear is a function of the Scud’s velocity. The Scud’s velocity is determined by its change in position with respect to time, and time is updated in the Patriot’s internal clock in 100 ms intervals. Velocity is represented as a 24-bit floating point number, and time is represented as a 24-bit integer, but both must be represented as 24-bit floating point numbers in order to predict where the Scud will next appear.
The conversion from integer time to real time results in a loss of precision that increases as the internal clock time increases. The error introduced by the conversion results in an error in the range gate calculation, which is proportional to the target’s velocity and the length of time that the system is running. The cause of the Dhahran incident, after the Patriot battery had been operating continuously for over 100 hours, is that the range gate shifted by 687 m, resulting in the failed interception of a Scud.
The conversion problem was known two weeks in advance of the Dhahran incident as a result of data provided by Israel, but it took until the day after the attack for new software to arrive due to the difficulty of distributing bug fixes in a wartime environment. A solution to the problem, until a software fix could be made available, would have been to simply reboot the system every few hours which would have the effect of resetting the internal clock. Since field personnel were not informed of how long was too long to keep a system running, which was in fact known at the time from data provided by Israel, this solution was never implemented. The lesson for us is to be very aware of the limitations of relying on calculations that use finite precision.
Unlike real numbers, which have an infinite range, there is only a finite number of characters. An entire character set can be represented with a small number of bits per character. Three of the most common character representations, ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode, are described here.
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is summarized in Figure 2-13, using hexadecimal indices. The representation for each character consists of 7 bits, and all 27 possible bit patterns represent valid characters. The characters in positions 00 – 1F and position 7F are special control characters that are used for transmission, printing control, and other non-textual purposes. The remaining characters are all printable, and include letters, numbers, punctuation, and a space. The digits 0-9 appear in sequence, as do the upper and lower case letters1. This organization simplifies character manipulation. In order to change the character representation of a digit into its numerical value, we can subtract (30)16 from it. In order to convert the ASCII character ‘5,’ which is in position (35)16, into the number 5, we compute (35 – 30 = 5)16. In
order to convert an upper case letter into a lower case letter, we add (20)16. For example, to convert the letter ‘H,’ which is at location (48)16 in the ASCII table, into the letter ‘h,’ which is at position (68)16, we compute (48 + 20 = 68)16.
A problem with the ASCII code is that only 128 characters can be represented, which is a limitation for many keyboards that have a lot of special characters in addition to upper and lower case letters. The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is an eight-bit code that is used extensively in IBM mainframe computers. Since seven-bit ASCII characters are frequently represented in an eight-bit modified form (one character per byte), in which a 0 or a 1 is appended to the left of the seven-bit pattern, the use of EBCDIC does not place a greater demand on the storage of characters in a computer. For serial transmission, however, (see Chapter 8), an eight-bit code takes more time to transmit than a seven-bit code, and for this case the wider code does make a difference.
The EBCDIC code is summarized in Figure 2-14. There are gaps in the table, which can be used for application specific characters. The fact that there are gaps in the upper and lower case sequences is not a major disadvantage because character manipulations can still be done as for ASCII, but using different offsets.
The ASCII and EBCDIC codes support the historically dominant (Latin) character sets used in computers. There are many more character sets in the world, and a simple ASCII-to-language-X mapping does not work for the general case, and so a new universal character standard was developed that supports a great breadth of the world’s character sets, called Unicode.
Unicode is an evolving standard. It changes as new character sets are introduced into it, and as existing character sets evolve and their representations are refined. In version 2.0 of the Unicode standard, there are 38,885 distinct coded characters that cover the principal written languages of the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Asia, and Pacifica.
The Unicode Standard uses a 16-bit code set in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between 16-bit codes and characters. Like ASCII, there are no complex modes or escape codes. While Unicode supports many more characters than ASCII or EBCDIC, it is not the end-all standard. In fact, the 16-bit Unicode standard is a subset of the 32-bit ISO 10646 Universal Character Set (UCS-4).
Glyphs for the first 256 Unicode characters are shown in Figure 2-15, according to Unicode version 2.1. Note that the first 128 characters are the same as for ASCII.