The paging mechanism allows any linear (logical) address, as it is generated by a program, to be placed into any physical memory page, as generated by the paging mechanism. A linear memory page is a page that is addressed with a selector and an offset in either the real or protected mode.
A physical memory page is a page that exists at some actual physical memory location. For example, linear memory location 20000H could be mapped into physical memory location 30000H, or any other location, with the paging unit. This means that an instruction that accesses location 20000H actually accesses location 30000H.
Each 80386 memory page is 4K bytes long. Paging allows the system software to be placed at any physical address with the paging mechanism. Three components are used in page address translation: the page directory, the page table, and the actual physical memory page. Note that EEM386.EXE, the extended memory manager, uses the paging mechanism to simulate expanded memory in extended memory and to generate upper memory blocks between system ROMs.
The page directory contains the location of up to 1024 page translation tables. Each page translation table translates a logic address into a physical address. The page directory is stored in the memory and accessed by the page descriptor address register (CR3) (see Figure 17–14). Control register CR3 holds the base address of the page directory, which starts at any 4K-byte boundary in the memory system. The MOV CR3,reg instruction is used to initialize CR3 for paging. In a virtual 8086 mode system, each 8086 DOS partition would have its own page directory.
The page directory contains up to 1024 entries, which are each four bytes long. The page directory itself occupies one 4K-byte memory page. Each entry in the page directory (see Figure 17–26) translates the leftmost 10 bits of the memory address. This 10-bit portion of the linear address is used to locate different page tables for different page table entries. The page table address (A32–A12), stored in a page directory entry, accesses a 4K-byte-long page translation table. To completely translate any linear address into any physical address requires 1024 page tables that are each 4K bytes long, plus the page table directory, which is also 4K bytes long. This translation scheme requires up to 4M plus 4K bytes of memory for a full address translation. Only the largest operating systems support this size address translation. Many commonly found operating systems translate only the first 16M bytes of the memory system if paging is enabled. This includes programs such as Windows. This translation requires four entries in the page directory (16 bytes) and four complete page tables (16K bytes).
The page table directory entry control bits, as illustrated in Figure 17–26, each perform the following functions:
D Dirty is undefined for page table directory entries by the 80386 microprocessor and is provided for use by the operating system.
A Accessed is set to a logic 1 whenever the microprocessor accesses the page directory entry.
R/W and Read/write and user/supervisor are both used in the protection scheme, as
listed in Table 17–2. Both bits combine to develop paging priority level protec- tion for level 3, the lowest user level.
P Present, if a logic 1, indicates that the entry can be used in address translation.
If P = 0, the entry cannot be used for translation. A not present entry can be used for other purposes, such as indicating that the page is currently stored on the disk. If P = 0, the remaining bits of the entry can be used to indicate the location of the page on the disk memory system.
The page table contains 1024 physical page addresses, accessed to translate a linear address into a physical address. Each page table translates a 4M section of the linear memory into 4M of physical memory. The format for the page table entry is the same as for the page directory entry (refer to Figure 17–26). The main difference is that the page directory entry contains the physical address of a page table, while the page table entry contains the physical address of a 4K-byte physical page of memory. The other difference is the D (dirty bit), which has no function in the page directory entry, but indicates that a page has been written to in a page table entry.
Figure 17–27 illustrates the paging mechanism in the 80386 microprocessor. Here, the linear address 00C03FFCH, as generated by a program, is converted to physical address XXXXXF-
FCH, as translated by the paging mechanism. (Note: XXXXX is any 4K-byte physical page address.) The paging mechanism functions in the following manner:
1. The 4K-byte long page directory is stored as the physical address located by CR3. This address is often called the root address. One page directory exists in a system at a time. In the 8086 virtual mode, each task has its own page directory, allowing different areas of phys- ical memory to be assigned to different 8086 virtual tasks.
2. The upper 10 bits of the linear address (bits 31–22), as determined by the descriptors described earlier in this chapter or by a real address, are applied to the paging mechanism to select an entry in the page directory. This maps the page directory entry to the leftmost 10 bits of the linear address.
3. The page table is addressed by the entry stored in the page directory. This allows up to 4K page tables in a fully populated and translated system.
4. An entry in the page table is addressed by the next 10 bits of the linear address (bits 21–12).
5. The page table entry contains the actual physical address of the 4K-byte memory page.
6. The rightmost 12 bits of the linear address (bits 11–0) select a location in the memory page.
The paging mechanism allows the physical memory to be assigned to any linear address through the paging mechanism. For example, suppose that linear address 20000000H is selected by a program, but this memory location does not exist in the physical memory system. The 4K- byte linear page is referenced as locations 20000000H–20000FFFH by the program. Because this section of physical memory does not exist, the operating system might assign an existing physical memory page such as 12000000H–12000FFFH to this linear address range.
In the address translation process, the leftmost 10 bits of the linear address select page directory entry 200H located at offset address 800H in the page directory. This page directory entry contains the address of the page table for linear addresses 20000000H–203FFFFFH. Linear address bits (21–12) select an entry in this page table that corresponds to a 4K-byte memory page. For linear addresses 20000000H–20000FFFH, the first entry (entry 0) in the page table is selected. This first entry contains the physical address of the actual memory page, or 12000000H–12000FFFH in this example.
Take, for example, a typical DOS-based computer system. The memory map for the sys- tem appears in Figure 17–28. Note from the map that there are unused areas of memory, which can be paged to a different location, giving a DOS real mode application program more memory. The normal DOS memory system begins at location 00000H and extends to location 9FFFFH, which is 640K bytes of memory. Above location 9FFFFH, we find sections devoted to video cards, disk cards, and the system BIOS ROM. In this example, an area of memory just above 9FFFFH is unused (A0000–AFFFFH). This section of the memory could be used by DOS, so that the total application-memory area is 704K instead of 640K. Be careful when using A0000H–AFFFFH for additional RAM because the video card uses this area for bit-mapped graphics in mode 12H and 13H.
This section of memory can be used by mapping it into extended memory at locations 1002000H–11FFFFH. Software to accomplish this translation and initialize the page table directory, and page tables required to set up memory, are illustrated in Example 17–4. Note that this procedure initializes the page table directory, a page table, and loads CR3. It does not switch to protected mode and it does enable paging. Note that paging functions in real mode memory operation.